Is the FOIA federal or state?

Actually, it’s both. While the U.S. Congress created Freedom of Information Act in 1967, many states too have adopted similar acts. Michigan, for example, has had a Freedom of Information Act since 1976.

Are FOIA requests expensive?

They certainly can be, but several request strategies exist to help minimize costs. At FOIA Intelligence, we understand what costs are necessary and work to eliminate those that are not.

Couldn’t I just request information myself?

You certainly could, but using a company such as FOIA Intelligence has many advantages. Amongst the many is our expertise and experience in cost reduction techniques and ensuring timely agency responses.

Isn’t FOIA just for large companies?

FOIA was originally created to primarily serve journalistic purposes in expanding government transparency. Today, many large corporations use FOIA for far too many purposes to list but it remains underutilized by smaller companies. At FOIA Intelligence, we hope to change this by making FOIA more accessible to smaller companies.

Can FOIA requests be made anonymously?

Not by yourself. FOIA laws, in both the federal and state levels, require that the requestors name and other information be included in a request. This information can be made available to other requestors through the submission of another FOIA request. At FOIA Intelligence, we submit FOIA requests to agencies directly, thus protecting the identities of our clients from public view.